Blogger Love

Thanks to all who have said nice things about the bloggage. You can tell the weekends my wife is working twelves because that's when the posts shoot up! Now what about that laundry...and finishing the hardwood floor I've been installing for ten months...?

I've put a couple other links to the right, links to skeptics magazine and the secular web. Why not? Why become insulated with authors who only say what I want to hear? Good arguments deserve to be heard, as well as not so good ones. It's just that I'll be darned if I'm going to use apologetics like a miracle sign: ah, that was a good argument, now I can kick back and smugly ignore the rest.

No doubt, apologetics can become a replacement for a personal and living faith (which the righteous really do have to live by); same with evangelism; these can be a compulsion even, a way to provide a feeling of certainty and order where anxiety exists (see Schermer's story at skeptics mag; he also columns in scientific american). Not that we shouldn't pursue apolgetics and evangelism! If it weren't for both, I don't know that I'd be here writing. But since I have never seen a physical miracle, questions have their place in my spiritual life. When I do see a physical miracle, I guarantee you guys will be the first to know.

Okay, I'm getting heavy again. Jeez. It's loud in here. Someone turn down the lecturn mic.

Fact is I am so appreciative for the support I've received from all who have responded. And what a disparate group. People I would never ever have seen again in my life are reading and writing to me. Not a lot of people, maybe a half dozen. But hey, I love this!

Now I need to trot over to your blogs and put in my two cents. Only fair.

Be well all.



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