The Great White

thanks, Scott, for pointing out that my entire blog has disappeared. Nothing but a white page. Cyber white-out. John Cage's blog. So this is a test; I'm making a new post and I'm going to try and upload the entire blog again, every entry, to see what happened. I haven't been doing anything to it lately, and all my posts are still on the server. Let's see if this works.

Ah, yes, I'm back. I don't know what happened. How wierd. I don't archive any of this; I'm not sure how I'd feel it if was all gone for good. Guess I'd just start over, like always.

So far, I am handling not getting the job/transfer pretty well. Things at my college continue to look good, at least in the near future. It may end up I don't want to move. Who knows. At least I made a couple friends on the faculty up here I will continue to see. And it's nice working where I feel appreciated! I did a faculty training last week (actually the day I found out I didn't get the new job) and it went very well.

Well, I want to post a longer entry, but not at this moment. Thanks again Scott for pointing out my flatline absence.



twila said…
Welcome back, Troy! I sure was curious about that white-out. Good to see you are still around.
Tenax said…
thanks guys; I didn't even know I was gone! good to be back among such good friends.


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