Of Mice and Men 1.0

This is a continuation of the post below:

I did everything by the book; I probably didn't need to. But I bleached the heck out of the droppings in our broiler pan and under the sink, then bleached everything else in there, and then carefully scooped out the droppings using latex gloves, sealed all in baggies which went into tied off garbage bags.

Am I off my rocker? Maybe. But at least I felt like I could take some anti-hanta action.

And I had a great, great talk with a friend on the phone today, in tears for part of it. So many traumatic memories of being left alone as a child and having to figure everything out, not knowing what would kill me and what couldn't, having a very, very fearful mother...I swear it again, if I saw any other mice I'd be in the motel until my pest guy gets here Monday.

There is, still, one in the back bathroom, or was last night. I put a trap in there along with three others different places in the house. I must become a better housecleaner! But I'm doing a bit better. Anyway, S is home; keep you posted.



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