Comic Relief
Sitting here grading online composition essays. This is 'advanced composition,' the sophomore critical thinking course. I require a minimum number of sources for the paper, and I run across something I haven't seen in 12 years of teaching college. On the Works Cited page, let's say the student's name is Dave Smith...
Smith, David. Self. 24 Sept. 2006.
I see. He cited his own paper in his own paper. Man, that is funny. Or maybe he considered it a personal interview.
Another essay attempts to argue against Freire's banking concept of education using a film called The Island. It would help if I'd seen it, but of course, it is fiction. Real world examples are always better than hypotheticals. And Freire himself hated what he called the banking concept in education; he coined the perjorative term. One poor girl got it entirely backwards: she blasted Freire for promoting the banking concept and not supporting problem-solving education for seven pages. That's like picking on Moses for being an antinomian. Ghandi for backing Texas cattle ranchers.
Some student papers, of course, are brilliant and some better than anything I wrote as an undergraduate. It's always humbling to see that. Anyway, I have to get back. I am still drafting posts (don't expect a ton) for the blog.
On the deeper side, Springsteen's "The River" on napster. All the poetry of seventeen. "Her body tan and wet down at the reservoir." How often physical love is not times it damned well should have been.
Smith, David. Self. 24 Sept. 2006.
I see. He cited his own paper in his own paper. Man, that is funny. Or maybe he considered it a personal interview.
Another essay attempts to argue against Freire's banking concept of education using a film called The Island. It would help if I'd seen it, but of course, it is fiction. Real world examples are always better than hypotheticals. And Freire himself hated what he called the banking concept in education; he coined the perjorative term. One poor girl got it entirely backwards: she blasted Freire for promoting the banking concept and not supporting problem-solving education for seven pages. That's like picking on Moses for being an antinomian. Ghandi for backing Texas cattle ranchers.
Some student papers, of course, are brilliant and some better than anything I wrote as an undergraduate. It's always humbling to see that. Anyway, I have to get back. I am still drafting posts (don't expect a ton) for the blog.
On the deeper side, Springsteen's "The River" on napster. All the poetry of seventeen. "Her body tan and wet down at the reservoir." How often physical love is not times it damned well should have been.