A Beautiful Day in the Bloggerhood

I love blog. The posts I received to my concerns about teaching below were thoughtful and I'm still reflecting on them. I don't get many comments up here per post, but the ones I get are always good. Many thanks.

School is slamming me. Slamming. So I haven't had time to do much of anything else. I still want to do things to personalize the look of this blog, but again, when I can. Like Christmas. Look for snowflakes and Santas.

But the minds and hearts that blog has opened me to are exquisite: most are in the margin (excuse the Trek lingo). If you are new here, check them out; they cover a genuine range.

I just wanted to say thanks to all who have supported me over the last year plus.



twila said…
Next generation. Cool. That's the one with the coffee chugging, no nonsence, real woman Janeway, isn't it? Hope so, she was my fav.

Your sidebar looks really nice. Hope school settles down a bit.
KMJ said…
I noticed your change in header and description as soon as you made them... It's all very cool. :)

As always, I love your posts - whether of deep and painful memories or of the wonderful restaurant and adventure you've had in the City or of personal challenge and growth despite fears and anxiety. Peace, friend.
ironsulfide said…
t-bone - how's the efm going? write a post about that soon. that is, if you're taking requests.
Tenax said…
Of course I take requests; thanks for making the first!

I don't start efm until late next month, but I'm pretty excited. I know that will become a part, maybe a big part, of my blog. It feels wonderful...going back to school.

Where's my backpack and my white k-swiss?

Oh, sorry, wrong decade.

Love to all, nice to hear from IS also.


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