On the Counter

Well, I finally added a counter to my site; unfortunately, I wanted it to be invisible but that costs money. Also, though it's not supposed to count my own visits to my sites it is, including every refresh. Worse, it only shows 45 hits (I've been updating the page a little). Imagine someone strolling in and saying, 'jeez, this guy has been blogging for nearly 18 mos. and he's only been visited 45 times.' Actually, none of that really matters.

I'm just curious how much my page is even read. It looks like poop, I know. And I used to write web code pretty often; I just don't have or take the time to change the look here. No pictures either. Just long, narrow posts.

But how I love to do the writing; love it and wish I had more time to do even more of it.

Anyway, sincere love to my friends up here.

Hit me.



twila said…
I had a counter on my blog for awhile. I set it up so only I could see how many hits I got each day. That was less humiliating.

The problem was, I started thinking too much about who was coming and how to make them happy. Crazy. So I took it off. I'm glad I had it for a little while, because it showed how many lurkers there are out there that come again and again but never say a word. (what is up with that?)
twila said…
If you'd like, I could come here like, oh, 20 or so times a day to bring your numbers up. :)
Tenax said…
Thanks Twyla and Mrs. Fish for the responses. I notice I'm getting many more hits a day than I figured I would; either my friends are coming here a lot to make me feel better or in fact people do shop/lurk more than I imagined.

I tried to fix my counter so it doesn't count me and so it counts every single hit, not just each user once. I think. But I've been pretty busy with school.

I still don't know how to view my last ten hits, to see who it doing the hitting, but I'll tinker with it.

Thanks you two. I appreciate the help.

scooter said…
My little counter is pretty sucky compared to yours - I'm unable to determine anything other than individual hits. I don't think I can even filter my own out. I have to admit, I added it (some months ago now) out of sheer hubris - to see just how many people are coming by. Of course, it kind of blows that it shows my own visits, too.

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