Still Peaking...

I must share a few things:

One, note the date below...I am posting twice in two days! Feels like recovery to me. Oh, I laughed out loud at that.

Two, a publisher contacted me in the email here and asked me to review a Brian MacClaren (sp?) book on this site. At first, I was sure it was a bizarre hoax; but no, in fact, she is sending me a free copy. I used to do that as a part timer texts for publishers. But this is something utterly new. I told her I have not read a line of BM but look forward to doing so. I realize he is a popular voice among the emergent. However, I also know I tend to shoot straight, especially when "grading." Luckily, I am not being paid (except for the free book). Still, I feel quite honored to be considered and do not know what led her to this previously nearly defunct and quite humble blog. I promise, I'll edit that post for mistakes.

Three, I am still peaking from the weekend. Convention has had a profound impact on me, and I am seriously considering entering discernment for the priesthood or diaconate again. I've always known I wanted to trot off to Holy Hill to study the NT for a couple years (though I note, at this time, CDSP has no full time NT professor; well, I would not be there for a few years anyway; plenty of time for them to hire one). I have analyzed my experience at convention as I always do. But beyond all the personal psychoanalysis (and who says God does not work through our emotional selves anyway) I still have the insistent sense there was Something More present, moving among us, at the convention. My hair stands up as I write it; I am not referring to the gay issue in specific either. Simply the gathering of that many people all attempting to find God's will, of all worshipping the living and loving God....whatever, I am slammed to the floor. I have run and run (or is ran the past participle?) from any sense of call. If I have not made that clear on this blog, I make it clear now. I do not believe in calls in the traditional sense (well, okay, Paul is a special case). But whatever...I am feeling directed towards a larger sense of Purpose than I have ever known. I can say that. May God not lose sight of this one...may I live long enough to explore that Vision. May I not be a damned enough fool to utterly discount it. At the very least, may it inspire me to more ministry right now.

Finally (I guess this is four) I would like to do a little series on the gospels. Call it Blogspell :) Well, I won't call it that, promise. I would promise to edit my writing, ahem, and plan an outline for the writing. My idea is for an intro to an intro on the four gospels...on the synoptic problem, Mark, Matthew and Luke and John. For those really interested, there are many books on this topic by actual scholars! I note I really haven't read all that much scholarship myself. Still, I thought I might do a series at my church, and this is a place to begin. If I do so, though, I am starting a new blog where I reveal my true self, a public blog I can refer friends from church to, etc. I also don't know if I could begin drafting until summer comes and I am out of school, but who knows. Another long term goal.

I have been lifting again, too, and doing cardio. Shooting for three days a week. There is nothing like the steel, brothers and sisters. I love every set. Sick puppy, I know.

Be well, and love to all.



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