Everything Must Change 1.0
Introductory Comments This set of essays on Brian McClaren's new book, Everything Must Change , is in response to a request from Anne at Thomas Nelson. As I have already said, I am honored, humbled, and affirmed by this request, three things I can surely use. I had heard a little about Brian and the emergent church, not much, and this is the first book I have read by him. So far, the only one. Hence, the scope of this discussion is limited only to the content of EMC . I also must confess at the outset: I was prepared to not like this book, or to not like it much. Why? Well, for one, I am a fan of field-specialists. Brian (and I feel comfortable, after reading his book, using his first name in this series) is a pastor, and as he notes in his intro, not an expert in any field. Of course, I realize my reservations appear ludicrous for a community college teacher who has written no books himself! Also, there are excellent books by non-specialists all the time. Finally, I was c...