The Academy

Okay, so the Star Trek metaphor in the margin is a little odd, but I've moved a couple friends from "The Next Generation" into "The Original Series" and created a new category called "The Academy." Someday, I'll laugh at this.

The fact is my blog began as a way for Scott and I to stay in touch and also a way for me to sort out doubts with my faith. Then, quickly, friends were added and it became a support center. Some of those have lost interest in blogging, or, like me, blog less frequently. I still feel like the support structure is here if I need it, and like many of us perhaps, I'm less isolated than I was a year ago.

I've always struggled with doubt, and some Christian circles I'd hung in over the years didn't help; I saw party line apologetics and ridiculous arguments for everything from inerrancy to prelapsarianism. Then I stumbled into sites like edgeoffaith and found myself ecountering questions beyond my very limited ability to respond.

Now I'm not saying I now have all the answers, but I'm finding people like BW3 and Sandalstraps who are providing the other side of the critical coin: damn smart Christians who are deeply educated and actually take the time to share their insights online. I am very grateful. In fact, I'd say it's answer to prayer. I said a few weeks ago I wanted to get edumacated about my faith. Boy is that road every opening. I only wish I had more time.

Gotta run. Cleaning and cooking and Mikey is talking to me.

Love to all.


Sandalstraps said…
Thanks for the plug, Troy. Out of honesty, though, I should note that I am not a scholar. I have a BA in Philosophy, but that's my only degree, which hardly qualifies me formally for the Academy.

I'm glad that my writing stimulates you. Perhaps that is because, as C.S. Lewis noted in the introduction to his Reflections on the Pslams (while explaining why he, by no means a Bible scholar, was writing a work of Biblical criticism), sometimes the student learns best from a fellow student, because the fellow student shares many of the same difficulties.
scooter said…
Not much to say here, as it's late, and I should be in bed, and I spent much of the evening working on my '90 Camry in the driveway (thank God for late sunsets here in these northern latitudes - I'm still not used to that!) Anyway, I just wanted to say I love you, brother, and am so glad this whole blog thing exists. What a cool way to, as you stated, keep in touch and also to open ourselves up to others. How very wonderful.
Tenax said…
Thanks to both of you.

Your 90 Camry. Scooter, upgrade to a Prius if you can afford one. They rock. I assume your pickup is long gone. Thanks for the kind words; it's a hard week.

And Sandalstraps: your essay on the Triumphal entry was first-rate. I stand by my assessment. You know the scholarship very well.

scooter said…
I'd sell a major organ to get a Prius. As it is, though, my little Cam pulls about 26-27 mpg in the city, and over 35 on the highway. Not bad for a car built in the middle of W's dad's administration. Plus, it's built like a tank - durability-wise, that is. I sold the little truck just last summer to help pay for our '99 Odyssey. Now, driving *that* rig is like taking the helm of the Enterprise-D. Automatic everything, and so comfortable that Kat and I were able to drive to Colorado to visit the girls last summer with hardly a sore muscle.
My next vehicle will most definitely be a hybrid, though. I'm thinking along the lines of the new Accord hybrid, but that probably won't be until the girls are driving (a minimum of five years at this point).

Tenax said…

the Odyssey does sound swank. I'm only on Prius high because we just got one! As much as we drive (30K a year on our main car) we needed it.

Great to hear from you in the blogsphere man. When am I going to come visit?


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