And Another Link

this is what I call Problog, as opposed to Amblog, which is what I and my friends do. The articles here on the Iraq war, on all sorts of things, are the work of a true expert. Will everyone like his politics? No. So far I do, of course, but if you have time, read Glenn's posts on the building middle east war.

And the war is a tragic thing. Righteous or not, necessary or not, restrained or not, children have already died. More will follow. If Israel's incursion reduces suicide bombings of their own civilians, good, but I have no idea what the result will be. I leave this one to experts; all I can do is grieve the innocents who are dying each day.


I am building bookcases in my 'study.' At least, now with the bookcases it will look like a study, perhaps function as one. I started these, oh, a year ago. I'm not very good with this kind of project and the fact that they are turning out nice is something I'm celebrating. I used oak plywoods for the risers and shelves, and solid oak for the trim and frankly, it looks great (just a bit more trim to do). For me, this is a true accomplishment.

And I called an air conditioning company. They'll come out to give me a bid in a week. People tell me you don't need air conditioning at my elevation. Bull. It's hotter than heck in my house and I absolutely can't stand it anymore! I feel like a character in a murder mystery who goes bonks during a heat wave...well, I'm not that crazed, of course, but something has to give. I work too hard and have too much flipping education to sit here and bake in an 88 degree house.


I still don't know if my new title is grammatically correct. I need to ask Romy. But correct or not, I like the concept. Looking closer isn't all there is to life...emotion, intuition, spiritual sensitivity...these things matter and they surely form part of my web log. As Bacon noted long ago, emotion can cloud reason, true; but it can also complement it. Still, though the 'intellectual' path I'm taking towards greater faith (trying to achieve a scholar's view of the NT before I can trust it) is the wrong one or the long one, but I'm on it nonetheless. For now, I continue to look closer.

Be well all. Back to work for me. Keep the fluids coming.

Oh, Saturday is my six year wedding anniversary. It feels like more (we've been together ten and lived together a year before we were married). But what an accomplishment for a man with my issues. Six years of decent husbanding and a decade of pretty good parenting. Blessings all around.


Sandalstraps said…
I feel you on the air conditioner. My wife and I moved into our house four years ago this month. Our first week in the house was the first week in July. That week, just before we started moving in, the air conditioner broke. My brothers and I moved all of our stuff into the house in the middle of a heat wave, with no air conditioning. That first afternoon the thermostat in the house hit 96!

This is not time to live without conditioned air.

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